21 July 2008

Boiling Clothes

These last three weeks I have been working on a book (a novel) about plain living in Idyllwild (CA) in the 1970s - it is DONE! huzzah!- and one of the things that came up in it was how to wash clothes when you have no electricity, no hot running water, and no vitreous china bathtub. (I have washed clothes in the bathtub in my college days.) Well, you boil them, a'course! and according to those that know, it gets them cleaner and whiter than anything, even bleach, especially socks and men's shirts (no offence, lads).

Noodling about the net, since I have all kinds of time on my hands now... I came across this conversation over at A Purposed Life:

Do you boil your clothes? Silly me, I know how ridiculous that sounds, you are probably thinking, "Are you crazy, I slap them into the front loader, sprinkle a little soap and walk away!" Well, normally I do too, but occasionally that doesn't work for me!

Around here socks can get REALLY dirty, sometimes dish towels smell sour even after washing and drying, and hubby's pillowcase can still look dingy after washing with bleach! For these hard to clean items, I boil them...really!

I put whatever I'm wanting to sanitize into a huge pot, saved only for this purpose - just wanted to clarify so that I didn't scare our recent dinner guests, and fill with water. When the water reaches a boil I add a cup of OxyClean and the items I'm washing and turn the heat down to medium. I put a top on it and let it return to a boil then I turn the heat down to low and let it go for an hour or two. After the boiling I then toss the clothing into my machine as usual! This typically cleans these items REALLY well and I'm quite pleased with the results. Yes, you will need to stir the clothes around and keep poking them back into the water, and yes the water will be BLECK! but your clothes will be CLEAN. The first time I did this I wanted to rush right out and build a fire, put a black cauldron on top and boil all of my clothes, but I didn't! Oh and just so you know, no, your house won't smell like Christmas doing this, but by golly, your clothes will be SOOO clean!

I have never had a problem with this but I always keep a close eye on whatever I'm boiling because I would hate to tell hubby, "Oh I forgot about the pillowcase I was boiling and burned down the house." That wouldn't be too great of me. Try it, but don't blame me if the house burns down, I told ya to keep an eye on it! =)!

Cherish the Ladies! as the song goes.


Ishak said...

Are you the same who wrote in kitchenmedicinebook.com. I can no longer access the site and a search on yahoo saw it is parked at godaddy.com. Is the site being discontinued?

Kelly Joyce Neff said...

Hi Ishak,
Yes I am. As for the site being taken down: I have not heard that from the publisher or my agent, but there haven't been any royalties in several months so I expect they have decided to discontinue it.

Ishak said...

Thank you for your response. Won't you have a blog for the herbalist part of you as you have for the other profile? I saved the home-page in 2006 but was not able to access the info today.

Alternative medicine is gaining popularity now. Monetizing the blog may bring better returns in time.

With reference to the boiling of clothes, not many practice it here now; but we do get good results with heavily soiled clothes with ordinary soap too.

Kelly Joyce Neff said...

Thank you, Ishak, for your input here. I really do't want to make money from giving information to people on a blog; if they want a consultation with me, that is another matter. I do have set fees for that.

I could put the kitchen medicine book on blog if it is indeed defunct, I shall ask the publisher.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly. Did you actually write the kitchen medicine book as a man called Bill Ryan claims he wrote it for you? could you clear this matter up for me,


Kelly Joyce Neff said...

It was a joint project; we had several at that period of time.

Bill is an old friend of mine, so there is no need to say 'a man called Bill Ryan claims'. He didn't want credit for the work he did on it (which was organisational and editorial)

Why do you 'need the matter cleared up', if I might ask?

I'm sorry but the tone of your comment - and the fact that you have posted anonymously - is very accusatory. Neither I nor Bill need to defend ourselves.

Anonymous said...

Hi, thanks for the answer and i didnt mean to sound accusatory at all. I just saw a comment that Bill Ryan wrote the book and when i downloaded the book it said it was written by you.When i said "clear the matter up" i meant for me personally thats all.

Kelly Joyce Neff said...

Thanks, Adam,
I had a note back from Bill about this, so everything is fine. I'm glad he put it on the Project Avalon site and told him so.
