06 May 2008

Overheard in the Blogsphere

'A Cork accent is one of the most horrific sounds that can be inflicted upon the human ear. It's right up there with Welsh.'

-er, right. This made me laugh because it was written by a Galwegian, and I have family in both places (Cork and Galway) and I also speak Welsh, but I know that yer man means the Welsh accent in English.

It reminds me of a true story that happened to my husband, who when in Wales as a young man was talking to an ould fella, asking directions if memory serves, and couldn't understand a blind word he was saying, and asked him to speak English, not Welsh, to which yer man replied (listen, sing-song)
'I'm not speaking Welsh!'

All my wee anes are awa to Ireland this summer for a holiday, so I have been loading them up on such sallies. My eldest, Lord Flasheart, was last there on a pubcrawl with cousins and friends a couple of years back. My youngest (daht(h)urh) is well aware that she is of legal drinking age there. Musha!

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